Monday, September 30, 2019

Leadership in the African American Community Essay

Since slavery, African Americans have gone through a lot to reach their current state. In the early 20th century, African Americans faced discrimination, isolation, and were segregated according to their skin color. It started when Europeans brought the first Africans to America, and continued throughout the Civil War. The American government made some changes in policies. A variety of leaders shaped the successful struggle toward black equality in America (Bowles, 2011). Ever since slavery begun, African Americans have been determined to end segregation, discrimination, and isolation. Activists such as, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, and others, joined together to put an end to segregation, discrimination, and isolation to attain civil rights and equality. Slavery had changed dramatically in the late 1600s. About this time the slave trade to American colonies also began increasing to meet the demand for cheap labor. Traders sold slaves to the Northern colonies, but English and other European immigrants satisfied the demand for labor there (Echerd, 2009). Slaves in America came from western and central Africa. African tribes sometimes enslaved those defeated in intertribal wars and sold their captives to European slave traders. The tribes raided villages to obtain slaves to trade for European goods. Slave traders had even offered the Africans guns and other goods for the slaves. Slaves lived a rough, hard life. Cheap labor was a huge part of their lives. They had to work from sunrise to sunset. The work consisted of clearing land, tended to fields of tobacco, rice, and vegetables. They also performed many other tasks that had helped make plantations almost completely self-sufficient. No slaves saw any money for their tasks that they had performed, but they did receive food, clothing, and shelter. The slaves had resided in small one-room huts, which had no windows and the floors were all dirt. Most slaves accepted their living condition, however, they knew no other way of life (Koehler, 2009). However, white Southerners regained control of state governments in the South during the late 1870s, however, and reversed most of the previous gains made by former slaves. For example: segregation. What is segregation? According to Webster’s Dictionary, to segregate is defined as to separate or set apart from others; isolate or to require, often with force, the separation of a specific racial, religious, or other group from the body of society. Segregation has been a part of our American heritage, almost from the moment slaves arrived on the shores of the New World (Bowles, 2011). In 17th century Virginia, the theocratic government feared that racial mixing between freed and enslaved blacks and white indentured servants would become a means to usurp government power. They passed laws in which the color line was clearly defined in any criminal punishments. By treating whites and blacks separately and unequally, these Virginian leaders set up a system of white supremacy that would become an essential component of American slavery. Separation and segregation was the order of the day, with African Americans being forced to ride in separate railroad cars, have their own hotels and courthouses, and even get water out of their own drinking fountains. Their children could not attend the same schools with the White children. To further push the color-line, they then added in segregation with the Jim Crow Laws. This is mainly because the Whites were considered to be superior, and hence were thought to deserve better schools with better facilities. African Americans on the other hand were considered inferior, and hence their children attended low-quality schools that lacked adequate facilities (Sitkoff & Franklin, 2008). The Northern States, which had grew and prospered during the war, believed the former slaves to be equal as any other person. The Southern States, still angry over the loss of the war and their firm belief in White superiority, took a different approach. They created and enforced what were known as the Black Codes. These were legislations passed in Southern states to control labor, migration and other activities of the freed slaves. Black Codes allowed legal marriage, property ownership and limited access to the court systems. It prohibited them from testifying against whites, serving on juries or militias, voting and publicly expressing any form of legal concerns ( www. history. com). Any former slave that did not sign yearly labor contract with the plantation owners could be arrested and hired out. The Black codes in short allowed for the continued and legal discrimination against the former slaves (www. history. com). Congress quickly responded to these laws in 1866 and seized the initiative in remaking the south. Republicans wanted to ensure that with the remaking the south, freed blacks were made viable members of society. But the strong southern legislatures finally gave in; in 1868 they repealed most of the laws that discriminated against blacks. Things were starting to look up. But by 1877 Democratic parties regained their power of the south and ended reconstruction. In 1882, southern states passed Jim Crow laws that enforced strict segregation between blacks and whites and limited African-American civil rights. This was devastating to the blacks. After all the strides they made were reversed. From holding political offices, the right to vote, and participating as equal members of society was changed. The south gradually reinstated the racially discriminatory laws. The two main goals they wanted these laws to achieve: disenfranchisement and segregation. To take away the power that the blacks had gained, the Democratic Party began to stop Blacks from voting. There were many ways to stop blacks from voting. Some of these things were poll tax, which were fees were charged at voting booths and were expensive for most blacks, and the literacy test. Since teaching blacks were illegal, most adult blacks were former slaves and illiterate. And the other goal, segregation, causes the democrats to create laws that segregated the schools and public facilities. The Northern States, which had grew and prospered during the war, believed the former slaves to be equal as any other person. The Southern States, still angry over the loss of the war and their firm belief in White superiority, took a different approach. They created and enforced what were known as the Black Codes. These were legislations passed in Southern states to control labor, migration and other activities of the freed slaves. Black Codes allowed legal marriage, property ownership and limited access to the court systems. It prohibited them from testifying against whites, serving on juries or militias, voting and publicly expressing any form of legal concerns. Any former slave that did not sign yearly labor contract with the plantation owners could be arrested and hired out. The Black codes in short allowed for the continued and legal discrimination against the former slaves. Just like some African Americans activists fought this segregation, some Whites had some groups of their own to carry the segregation on and on. The Ku Klux Klan was one of them. The Ku Klux Klan, Knights of White Camellia, and other terrorists murdered thousands of blacks and some whites to prevent them from voting and participating in public life. The KKK was founded in 1865 to 1866. They directed their violence towards black landowners, politicians, and community leaders. They also did this to people who supported Republicans or racial equalities (Anti-Defamation League, 2012). After the abolishment of slavery in the U. S. the KKK formed. They hated blacks and would commit crimes against them. Murders, hangings, and lynches are just some of the crimes against the blacks (www. kkk. bz, n. d. ). The Ku Klux Klan claims to be just defending their people like other races do. What is a lynching? Lynching is a form of punishment with no legal permission. Most times lynching occurred against African Americans by hanging them. This was very popular during the Gilded Age after the American Civil War when African Americans were freed from slavery. Many White men would use lynching against Black men for being in a mixed relationship with a White woman. However, because lynching had no legal basis, it was thought to have been a tool that was used against freed slaves that had achieved financial stability and authority in order to remain a White-dominated nation. Lynching was most likely performed by White Supremacy groups like the KKK. Lynching was done by hanging or shooting, or both. However, many were of a more hideous nature. Burning at the stake, maiming, dismemberment, castration, and other brutal methods of physical torture are all part of a lynching. Lynching therefore was a cruel combination of racism and sadism, which was utilized primarily to sustain the caste system in the South. Many white people believed that Negroes could only be controlled by fear. To them, lynching was seen as the most effective means of control. Defending your people is one thing, but to torture another human being is inhuman. The KKK has several stories out there today on how they treated the blacks, whether they did anything wrong or not. For instance, a Louisiana woman is in critical condition after she was set on fire, resulting in burns on roughly 60 percent of her body, and her car appears to have had racial slurs written on it at the time of her attack (Mach, n. d. ). They had even gone as far as church bombings. The KKK launched a bomb into a church during a Sunday service, which left four innocent teenage girls dead. The men responsible hid behind the cloak of secrecy, intimidation and the white robes of the oldest terrorist organization in the world, the Ku Klux Klan (Gado, n. d. ). Therefore, until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, racial discrimination is an issue that was not seriously tackled. The act was a successful result of most wide-ranging civil rights legislation and Civil Rights Movements for close to a century (Finkelman, 2009). The act declared discrimination on the basis of color, race, ethnicity, religion, and many other aspects as unconstitutional. During the critical years from 1954 to 1963, a variety of leaders with different backgrounds, such as lawyers from the NAACP, women sitting on buses, ministers from southern black churches, militants from black power organizations, and youth from colleges had shaped the successful struggle toward black equality in America (Bowles, 2011). In 1896, the Supreme Court’s Plessy v. Ferguson decision established that â€Å"separate but equal† facilities for whites and blacks were allowable under the U. S. Constitution. Local governmental officials could designate separate public facilities like drinking fountains, restrooms, and schools. Even courthouses often had separate Bibles according to the defendant’s race. The problem was that separate usually meant unequal, and segregation subverted the freedom of every African American (Sundquist, 1993). Now, it is time for the African- Americans to fight back. The incident that made them want to make a difference was the Rosa Park bus ride. After a long day of work on December 1, 1955, Parks, feet hurt, looked forward to sitting on the bus for her ride home. At the time, there was a city ordinance stating that African Americans had to give up their seats on a train or bus if a white man asked for them. When a white man approached Parks and told her that he wanted her seat, she simply said no. Although she acted as a private citizen, her response was as an informed, committed member of the NAACP movement. The bus driver had asked Parks to move. When she did not, the bus driver said, â€Å"Look, woman, I told you I wanted the seat. Are you going to stand up? † When Parks again said no, the driver threatened, â€Å"If you don’t stand up, I’m going to have you arrested. † She gave no reply but at the next stop, Rosa was arrested (Garrow, 2004). A pastor known as Martin Luther King Jr., organized a boycott, the Montgomery bus boycott. King Jr. took this to a higher level and maintained and organized the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), which coordinated similar bus boycotts in other cities. Shortly after the boycott, King had found a bomb on his porch. King went to Birmingham, Alabama, where he continued his nonviolent protests and marches. However, the police authorized force to disband King’s followers by using electric cattle prods, tear gas, and fire hoses (Bowles, 2011). King was arrested with the others, but upon his release from jail he went to Washington, D. C., where he and demonstrators met at the National Mall and addressed them with his famous â€Å"We Shall Overcome† speech on August 23, 1963. King’s words at the capital that day were a defining moment of the Civil Rights movement. Other demonstrations and civil disobedience campaigns sought to increase African-American voter registration and win better jobs. Malcolm X actively promoted the Black Muslim cause. Even after speaking about non-violence and wanting peace, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. The civil rights movement dramatically increased participation of African- American voters in both the South and the North today. By the mid-70s some 4000 African-Americans have been elected to political office at all levels of government. Qualified African-Americans now have a wider range of opportunities than ever before. Whether you are White or African-American, each group has faced its own peculiar challenges on its approach to democracy (Rappaport, 2001). This racism is wrong and unconstitutional. The 13th Amendment is ratified, abolishing slavery, which some people still went against it. The 14th Amendment granted citizenship to the former slaves and forbade states from denying any person life, liberty, or property without due process of the law. The 14th Amendment also guaranteed equal protection of the law for all citizens. The 15th Amendment barred states from denying citizens the right to vote based on race, color, or previous servitude (Hertz, 2009). In a perfect world, everyone would be equal. The color of one’s skin, religious beliefs or sexual preference would mean nothing. We would accept everyone for whom and what they are. We would rejoice in the differences between each other instead of belittling, hating and discriminating against those differences. We don’t however live in a perfect world. We live in a world filled with distrust and hate. If we don’t know or understand it in our society, then it is wrong. It will be discriminated against in one form or another. We as a country have made major strides in overcoming racism, however we still have far to go. In conclusion, African Americans faced isolation, discrimination, and segregation during the post-construction period. Racial discrimination was also prevalent in the military where back soldiers were considered inferior to white soldiers and hence poorly trained and equipped. The issue of racial discrimination, isolation and segregation was not seriously tackled until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted. Civil rights activists such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. organized the famous 1963 protest in Washington that eventually forced President John Kennedy to pass the Act. It is therefore, clear that the journey to end isolation, discrimination, and segregation to attain equality and civil rights has been hard but worthwhile. ? References Bowles, M. (2011). American History 1865- Present End of Isolation. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint. Retrieved at: https://content. ashford. edu/books/AUHIS204. 11. 2 Finkelman, P. (2009) Encyclopedia of African American history, 1896-present, Madison Avenue, New York: Oxford University Press Rappaport, D. (2001). Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Sitkoff, H. , & Franklin, J. (2008) The Struggle for Black equality. Hill and Wang Publication http://www. adl. org/learn/ext_us/kkk/default. asp? LEARN_Cat=Extremism&LEARN_SubCat=Extremism_in_America&xpicked=4&item=kkk http://www. history. com/topics/black-codes Civil Rights Act of 1964 http://www. ourdocuments. gov/doc. php? doc=97&page=transcript.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Barack Obama’s Speech †Global Village Essay

The term Global Village is defined as a world that is globally connected by all forms of media. Basically, people’s personal experience while living in a global context has affected their attitudes about the world. Throughout â€Å"A New Beginning† speech, Obama debates that living within a modern society based on the concept of Global Village, the American’s and Muslims should respect one another and cooperate. His goal is to unify the Western world with the Islamic by promoting tolerance and change. The president depicts the positive and negative aspects of Global Village where the American beliefs and values of equality, peace and responsibility are developed by literary techniques incorporated to employ ideas surrounding this. This allows the audience to gain a deeper understanding about his purpose of the speech, and what he aims to gain from it. The speech evaluates the positive aspects of Global Village, where he highlights the advantages including the connection between cultures and better education about the world’s changing views. The president’s main concentration was based on America’s responsibility as a country to help Iraq develop a better future. The extended repetition of the word â€Å"responsibility† emphasises that issues raised are not based on the individual but on a global responsibility to change to the better. The influence of Global Village has allowed better communication between America and Iraq, where America has agreed to remove all American troops from Iraq. This has ensured trust and unity, portraying â€Å"Iraq as a partner and never as a patron†. The use of simile and contrast between the words â€Å"partner† and â€Å"patron† signifies equality and partnership. Obama continues explaining about the detrimental history experienced by women, focusing on gender equality. He does this by conveying the importance of the issues of woman’s rights currently faced on a global scale too. The quote â€Å"I reject the view that woman who choose to cover her hair is somehow less equal but believe that a woman who is denied an education is denied equality†. This depicts the president successfully appealing to the Islamic audience, rejecting the stereotype that women who wear the hijab are less equal, but puts forward his belief that women who are denied education on a global scale are denied equality. There is a constant debate about this issue, however Obama strives to achieve equality for woman in Islamic culture through â€Å"expanded literacy for girls, and to help young women pursue employment†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and to â€Å"live their dreams†. To juxtapose against the positive aspects of Global Village presented within the speech, Obama also addresses the negative consequences of this which consist of the violent extremists and the development of harmful weapons in the modern world of today. Here the president confronts this issue in all of its forms through the belief that â€Å"people of all faiths reject: the killing of innocent men, women, and children†. The situation involving the American troops in Afghanistan signify a â€Å"war of choice†, he speaks about the war, rather than acknowledging what has been done wrong such as the troops still continuing to fight in the war, unable to return back to America because of the uncertainty that â€Å"violent extremists in Afghanistan and Pakistan determined to kill as many Americans as they possibly can†. This leads to the partnering with forty-six countries that will strengthen the security of America. The issue discussed in the speech about the evolution of weaponry is concerning, as Barack Obama has decided that â€Å"no nations hold nuclear weapons†. With this quote, he ensures to all listeners and people around the world his own personal views and efforts in changing these legislations to make it an equal and safe world for everyone where nuclear weapons will not be considered an international issue anymore. However, if nuclear weapons are needed, they must oblige â€Å"under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty†. To make it a fair result, Obama has not completely banned the use of such weapons, but rather incorporated laws to reduce the risks of danger to appear. Thus, â€Å"A New Beginning† speech by Barack Obama exemplifies the advantages and disadvantages of Global Village and his view on not only America’s future, but directed towards an international scale. He has explained his efforts into what he plans to change countries to receive a better future, intending that â€Å"the people of the world can live together in peace. We know that is God’s vision†. This allows responders to understand the importance of Global Village and the impacts it can cause to the world globally.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Effect of Advertisement on Sales

MKT 321: MARKETING RESEARCH METHODS JAN – APRIL 2013 CAT 1 Using the knowledge and skills acquired in this course (Research methods) explain how would improve the performance of your Research and Development Department in a firm (15 marks) A research and development (R&D) department in a firm is responsible for innovations in design, products, and style. This department is responsible for creating innovative new products to keep companies a step ahead of the competition. Many companies also rely on the R&D department to improve existing consumer products, and to explore new ways of producing them.Companies thrive and succeed by creating innovative products, as well as by increasing company profit and utilizing cost-efficient methods. A research and development department is primarily responsible for ensuring that these goals are met. This is an especially important function in the fields of manufacturing and pharmaceuticals, but can be applied to virtually any industry. Often, research and development works closely with the marketing department. Marketing studies consumer trends by surveying and researching consumer demands, purchasing methods, product sales, and the existence and development of technology across the relevant market.The marketing department gathers all the data, and makes this information available to the R&D department, which will take action in response to the findings and proceed to keep the company on top of current market needs. Consumer demands often change very quickly, and the research and development department must be alert and adapt to these market fluctuations accordingly. I would invest a substantial amount of money to research and development so that it can continually modify and update the firm’s products to preserve a brand's position within the market.This is because even if our product would be leading in the market, however much it is a key product, usually will not remain in the number one market position forev er without some type of improvement and advancement. Research and development department software The progress of innovation research and product development requires a good balance between the team and management involved in R;D projects. VIP Task Manager provides this balance and allows to manage R;D projects and activities effectively.The software helps to carry information on the latest developments and coordinate the resource assignment to new promising projects in efficient and timely way. VIP Task Manager can be used as R;D project management software for organizing the workflow of the department. The software gives the following options Quality is a major issue and R;D department is deeply involved in ensuring quality of new products and attaining the required levels of regulatory requirements. In cooperation with the quality assurance department, R;D department develops a quality plan for new products.When a company sells a product on the marketplace, it should keep regulat ory compliance with legal requirements. By using Centriqs, the R;D managers can organize the workflow for researches and development of new products. In Centriqs, there can be used task templates for researches of typical products as well as for a new product specification development. The software allows to add new workflow with specific task statuses. By introducing Centriqs shareware into the workflow, the R;D department can effective cooperate with QA department through sharing tasks and projects aimed to development of quality plans for new products.The R;D managers can use the Files view to upload regulatory documents to the database and attach documents to required tasks shared between engineers, technicians and scientists. | | Research and development department goals/tasks The main goal of the R;D department is to provide the organization with pro-active leadership in the industry and strong competitive advantages through implementation of new technologies and solutions aim ed to improve current product range and develop new products.The R;D department closely works with the quality assurance department in order to create a new solution for enhancing the sustainability and the quality of products. The tasks of R;D department could be split into two main groups: research and development. The groups are closely linked with each other, however they have some peculiarities. The research activities allow the organization to find more effective ways to produce a product. The development activities are focused on how to implement these ways into manufacturing of the current or a new product.Research and development department in company structure Research and development are often very expensive and it takes much time to get positive results from them. However most businesses invest a lot of money in research and development and build R;D departments. The organizations which have R;D departments in their structure, gain big advantages, because: 1. Products ar e commercialized faster 2. Products reach global markets 3. Contribution to customer confidence 4. Effective exploitation of technologies 5.They gain advantages over rivalsThe research and development department will enable a more progressive and faster transfer of innovations into product development and exploitation. | CAT 2 As a manager you have noted that the sales for a certain product have dropped despite having increased the level of advertising. Explain in details how you would undertake a market research to know whether advertising affects sales (20 marks) a. Background information. The background serves to put research objectives into context, and it will help me to understand why I will pursue the objectives of knowing why advertising affect sales.I would detail what i see as being the main events that have caused or contributed to the advertising effect on sales. Such a background gives a framework for the researcher to investigate other potential events, contributory fa ctors or causes. b. Objectives. The first part of this section would detail which marketing decisions are to be completed once the research has been undertaken. This requires decision-makers to explain what they see as the focus of the decision they plan to make. They then go on to explain what gaps(s) they see in their knowledge. Those gaps create the focus to planned esearch activities and set the research objectives. The formulation of the marketing objectives can encompass two areas: organizational objectives and personal objectives of the decision-maker. For the researcher this may not be explicit or obvious to discern. It may take time working with a decision-maker or a particular organization to see the potential conflicts in organizational and personal objectives. This ‘first-step’ brief offers the opportunity for the researcher to draw out and develop a much clearer vision of marketing and research objectives.Drawing out and developing decisionmakers’ pe rspective of objectives, helps the process of developing a common understanding of what the decision-maker is trying to achieve. c. Target to research. Any market research project will measure, understand or observe a target group of individuals. These may be distinct groups of consumers, channel members such as retailers or competitors, or company employees. In this section, details of the characteristics of the target group(s) can help in much research design decisions.These cover areas of identification, gaining access to conduct research, understanding which techniques are appropriate to measure or understand these individuals, and the best environment or context in which to conduct the research. d. Who is to use the findings? This section would outline brief details of the decision-maker who will use the research findings. For example, certain decision makers may be entrepreneurial and introspective, looking for short-term tactical advantages. Managers with a background and tra ining in statistics may expect results to be analyzed and presented in a particular manner to have any credibility.Other managers may not have such training or may even be distrustful of statistical analysis and seek a more qualitative interpretation. These 19 issues have an impact upon the nature and extent of analysis conducted upon the data collected and the style and format in which research findings will be presented. e. Constraints. The main limitation to marketing researchers carrying out what they may perceive as being the correct way to research a problem is the time and money that the marketer can afford. With knowledge of time and cost constraints, the researcher can develop a research design to suit these eeds. The researcher may also demonstrate other courses of action that could demand greater amount of money or time, but could have clear benefits that the marketer may be unaware of. Other constraints, such as those imposed by the client firm’s personnel, organi zational structure and culture, or decision making styles, should be identified to determine the scope of the research project. Yet constraints should not be allowed to diminish the value of the research to the decision-maker or to compromise the integrity of the research process.In instances where the resources are too limited to allow a project of sufficient quality, the firm should be advised not to undertake formal marketing research. f. Administrative considerations. These would lay out the administrative details in completing the research project. Examples could be the expected delivery of interim reports, contacts in the organization that may be able to help supply further information, or reference to sources of materials and individuals that are needed to complete the research successfully.

Friday, September 27, 2019

What is the Height of Human Happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

What is the Height of Human Happiness - Essay Example To do this, I had to ensure I had a strong concept of what both Aristotle and Augustine were saying and identify those ideas that caused me to react in some way, whether because I strongly agreed or strongly disagreed with what was being said. In the end, the words of these philosophers helped me better identify my own thoughts. Aristotle’s Parts of Animals chapter 5 identifies happiness as one of those â€Å"ungenerated, imperishable and eternal† things that are â€Å"excellent beyond compare and divine, but less accessible to knowledge† (656). Since it’s easier for us to understand the material things that are around us, most of us choose to remain focused on this lower level of thought most of the time. However, when contemplating nature, Aristotle says, we can often come across something that will inspire us to think into the upper plain. â€Å"For if some have no graces to charm the sense, yet even these, by disclosing to intellectual perception the artistic spirit that designed them, give immense pleasure to all who can trace links of causation, and are inclined to philosophy (656-657). These thoughts are what will bring us the highest form of happiness because they bring us into a closer comprehension of the creator just like studying the particular strokes and quirks of t he artist will often reveal much about the personality who created the painting. If we can attain the greatest happiness through this understanding or perception of the divine within the natural, then it follows that â€Å"we should venture on the study of every kind of animal without distaste; for each and all will reveal

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Marketing - Research Paper Example the past but with the advent of stark changes in marketing management and businesses turning customer-oriented, personal selling has now become one of the most important aspects of marketing mix. Personal selling is the oldest and initial form of business where products were stored in shops and shopkeepers demonstrated the products to the customers, informing, educating and persuading them to buy the product. This format has now taken modernized form and is visible in retail and hypermarkets format where products are kept on display and customer can feel and touch the product. Though people are there to assist their purchase and handle queries and objections. Personal selling has numerous advantages in the sense that a dialog engagement can be established along with a mechanism to judge the response. Moreover, it ensures long term relation building but it fails to cater to mass market due to the cost involved in approaching individual prospective buyer. Creative personal selling- it is the visible form of imagination and resourcefulness. Whenever a new product or offering is developed and is introduced in a new or an existing market, creative personal selling is used. The focus of creative personal selling is to create demand in the market for the new product by educating and alluring the customers. It aims at making the customer â€Å"realize† that the product can be used to change his â€Å"need† into â€Å"demand†. Creative selling usually emerges in situations like selling intangible products like insurance and banking services, highly technical products like computers and fashion sales. For instance, Hewlett-Packard masters its supply chain through efficient sales force which try to educate the people and demonstrate the features of their products. Its effective salesmanship has helped it garner major market share. Competitive personal selling- competitive personal selling is the talk of the town today because it seeks to develop changes in appearance and

Analyzing an article Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analyzing an article - Assignment Example However, why should not there be a general product for a particular range products. For example, what would happen if Apple’s iPhone were priced similar to Samsung Galaxy? In this case, people would argue that customer’s choice between the Galaxy and the iPhone is based on the brand name. Now suppose we scrape off the brand names and give the two products a similar appearance. Which of the products would sell more and why? This and many other economic and marketing puzzles dominate the article. Issues of brands and prices dominate the technology market. However, the issue still applies even to most basic consumer services. For instance, why are some private doctors or lawyers busier than others are, despite having the same qualification? Consequently, why are some commodities costly and yet they have a better market than cheaper ones. For example, why do people always go for an expensive lawyer whenever they have legal requirements? This and other similar questions are tackled in the article. The author argues that customers are the sole determinants of prices and they control the market. What does being expensive really means. The issue of expensive and cheap commodities characterizes any market. Customers are complaining that a thing is either too expensive or it does not meet their expectations. Surprisingly a car valued at $3000 and a candy valued at $2 might be categorized as expensive products. It beats logic to analyze the price difference between the two products in terms of their price money. Indeed, $3000 is extremely greater than $2. Thus, it might be absurd to categorize both products as expensive products. Consequently, customers of each of the above products have a hypothetical price that they consider as fair or correct. However, how do sellers get access this price without going through the customer? The power to unlock this mystery is the key to successful marketing. Some like when the prices are high while others like it when the prices are at the lower extreme. Choice for either extreme depends on consumer's decisions. Surprisingly customers will always complain that the prices of commodities are extremely high independent of their purchasing power (Bade, and Michael 72). Are consumers always complaining about prices or can we achieve the reverse situation. Indeed, it is possible to manufacture the later scenario in an ideal market. According to the author, successful marketers know how to reverse customer’s view on expensive prices. Analyzing the News In a market system, successful products always have substitute. Availability of substitute is the main factor that distinguishes a competitive or an ideal market from a monopoly. Consumers distinguish different products based on brand names or their market label. Despite the differentiation, some products are more successful than others are. Consequently, customers would buy such products at even high cost defying key economic principles. Price is the key monetary representation of a product’s value. Thus, the price of a product reflects its true value in a particular market. Customers have they own definition of value that depends on the nature of a product and the subsequent economic environment. For example, people would be comfortable buying a bottle of water at $100 in a hot desert. Consequently, the same customers would not be able or willing to buy the same bottle in a place where water

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Result Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Result Exam - Essay Example The descriptive research design will involve a survey to identify certain characteristics of SMEs and further research to gather qualitative information. This paper considers how three different approaches in research methodology (quantitative, qualitative and mixed design) could be applied to the topic area ‘What is below the surface and underlying success factors for small and medium enterprises in Thailand?’ using examples from the literature. We will explain which approach is most suitable by analyzing the options, and then formulate a proposed design detailing what reliable and valid secondary data would be collected and how to address the research question. First, a brief introduction to SMEs in Thailand is given to introduce the subject area of the proposed study. This includes what they are, their role, and important statistical facts. This is followed by a preliminary overview of some support initiatives provided to SMEs mostly by the Thai government. The identification of possible success factors helps to better focus the proposed study. SMEs are defined by both number of employees and amount of fixed assets. These are fewer relative to larger enterprises. In terms of their function, they are an important foundation of business activity in most economies including the Thai economy. As of April 2009, the number of reported SMEs in Thailand is around 2.4 million, of which 400,00 are classified as genuine according to the Thai National Statistical Office (Pongvutitham, 2009). The Office of Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion (OSMEP, 2008) acknowledges that SMEs play an immensely important role in Thailand’s economy and represent over 99% of the country’s businesses. SMEs make an immense contribution to Thailand’s economic development â€Å"as they are the resources of job creation and revenue distribution for people in

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ABC Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

ABC Development - Assignment Example The housing project was scheduled to begin on January 1, 2013 and to be completed in the first few days of the month of December 2013. However, the construction process was delayed by 1 week. The planning process also realized delays of about 3 weeks. In total, delays in the schedule were 4 weeks (approximately 1 month). The planning permission was to commence on March 1, 2013 while construction was to begin a month later (April 1). It means that the first complete housing units were to be rescheduled to the end of October. The sales process should have started on November 1, 2013. The sales would remain at the same rate indicated earlier in the feasibility study since the shifts in house sales have not affected the current revised rate. It remains at 2 housing units sold per month. However, completing the sales would be realized three in February 2014. There are changes on the interest rate charged by the financial institution responsible for the funding of the housing project. With the increase in the rates of interest, loan facility would have to be viable until the end of February 2014. The simple interest would have to be scaled to 1.3% or simply 1% because of the 0.8% rise in the simple interest rates. The interest on the loan facility remains at the original schedule of a quarterly model in arrears. The developer’s cash will be used to pay it out. Roll-ups will not be allowed on the payments. The commitment fee of  £5000 will not be affected by scaling up the interest or the changes in planning and construction schedules. It will still be paid once the loan has been processed. The disposal fee of  £500 per housing sold will also remain unchanged. The funding of construction costs in a revolving basis will not be affected by the changes. It will remain at  £525,000. The remaining land cost ( £80,000) and

Monday, September 23, 2019

War Photography Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

War Photography - Coursework Example But at its most simple, the photograph (whether it be of a flower in bloom or of a man being shot) is seen as "authentic" because it shows, most of the time at least, what it literally purports to show. Take one of the most famous war photographs ever taken: Another definition is in order here. The dictionary defines propaganda as "1. the systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause. 2. Material disseminated by the advocates of a doctrine or cause" (American, 2003). In general, 'propaganda' has come to imply some one-sided presentation that, while perhaps reflecting an actual event or facts, in reality is skewing them in one very particular way. Propaganda is now used as a pejorative whereas when the word was first used, in the First World War it was merely a descriptor of a certain kind of news technique. This analysis will consider war photography through the discussion of four contrasting wars: the Spanish Civil War, the Vietnam War, the Falklands War and the Gulf War. Each war may be seen as a fulcrum around which many different forces were revolving. Within the context of photography, different technological developments and the ease of photography provided new opportunities for photographers as the century advanced, and new difficulties for those who would seek to control the images produced by those photographers. There is a massive difference between the fragile, heavy and difficult-to-use cameras of the Nineteenth Century and the powerful, easily used cameras of this century. The former needed days to produce the photographs that had been taken, and because of the transportation systems of the time, maybe weeks or even months to reach a major media outlet for publication. Today a digital photograph can be taken and published to the Internet within seconds, thus giving access to the whole world. This situation provides numerous challenges for mass media outlets and for the government agencies that would seek to control the dissemination of information/documentation. The war photograph is a central focus for this control. As a brief glance at Adams's famous photograph of the "execution" illustrates, even a single photograph can raise a number of perhaps unanswerable questions. If the photograph is seen as "propaganda", whose viewpoint would be being put forward If a photograph is "untouched" by manipulative editing, can it be anything other than authentic I The Beginnings of War Photography: The Spanish Civil War and World War II Wars have been photographed virtually since the beginning of photography. The American Civil War provides thousands of photographs of battlefields in the aftermath of the killing and portraits of soldiers provide a memorable record of the strain that this "total war" produced. Similarly, the First World War produced many images of that incomparable carnage but these were mostly taken after the event as the cameras were large, fragile and unwieldy, exposures often took several minutes (in the Nineteenth

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Causes and Spread of Infection Essay Example for Free

Causes and Spread of Infection Essay 1) Infections are the result of the body’s inability to fight off microorganisms that can cause damage or disease if they are left untreated. They can be viral or bacterial in nature and might be caused by a fungus or parasite. There are many common types and there are some rare ones which all have varying causes and treatments. Common bacterial infections include strep throat, urinary tract infections and E. coli; the different types are caused by many different types of bacteria. Infections are caused by micro-organisms which are known as pathogens, there are three sources of pathogens; †¢Within a person’s body- called endogenous †¢From other people through touching, coughs or sneezes called exogenous †¢From contaminated equipment or elements such as dust or water known as environmental. Viral infections are different than bacterial because they are caused by viruses which are smaller than a bacterium or fungus. When a virus infects healthy cells it prevents the cells from doing their job and causes sickness. Viruses infect a specific type of cell which causes viral infections to affect certain parts of the body. A cold is the most common type and generally affects the upper respiratory tract. Influenza is another common infection but symptoms can affect the entire body. Outcome 1 1)Bacteria are very small singular organisms which can be found almost everywhere; they are the smallest living cells typically only a few micrometres in length. A number of bacteria can cause disease, these are called pathogenic bacteria. Not all bacteria is bad, we need bacteria to stay alive. Viruses- it is a coated genetic material that invades cells and uses the cells apparatus for reproduction, this is why it is important to wash hands frequently. Fungi is a multi-celled living organism, it is a large group of eukaryotic organisms that includes microorganisms such as yeasts and moulds. Parasites are types of living animals and plants that derive benefit from metabolism of other animals and plants. Viruses aren’t living; they are made of complex proteins and nucleic acids. Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites are living organisms. 2) There are common illnesses and infections which are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacteria can cause food poisoning, ear infections, bronchitis, chest infections and tonsillitis. Viruses can cause common colds, flu attacks, sickness and diarrhoea and warts. Fungi can cause ring worm, yeast infections and athletes foot. Parasites can cause worms, malaria and sleeping sickness. 3) Infection in general terms in an invasion to the body tissues from a disease caused microorganism, it’s the illness caused by the growth of a germ on or in a person. The infection might not give any symptoms this is known as ‘asymptomatic’ infection. When the germ is found on our body without causing any illness it is known as colonisation. Colonisation is multiplication of microorganisms without tissue invasion or damage. 4)   A localised infection is an infection that is limited to a specific body part or region this could be infections such as cellulitis of the skin or a bladder infection. A systemic infection is the opposite, the infection is distributed throughout the whole body this could be illnesses such as a cold or the flu. 5) There are poor practices which may lead to the spread of infection, this could be not washing hands frequently, not wearing personal protective clothing, wearing jewellery, not tying back long hair, not covering your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough. Wearing inappropriate clothing and footwear can also lead to the spread of infection. 6)   There are certain conditions which are needed for the growth of micro-organisms. Micro-organisms need food to survive, they like high protein food such as dairy products, raw eggs and uncooked fish. Microorganisms need moisture and warmth; they grow best at 20-40c. Air is needed for micro-organisms to multiply although some can do without. 2) Infections are caused by microorganisms known as pathogens, there are three sources of pathogens; 1)Within a person’s body called endogenous (For example, some microorganisms from the stomach can cause infections in other parts of the body) 2)From other people through touching, coughs or sneezes called exogenous 3)From contaminated equipment or elements such as dust or water- known as environmental. They could go down the respiratory tract into the lungs, coughs, colds and other common airborne infections are contracted in this fashion. Anything that penetrates the skin, or for that matter the mucous membrane that lines the mouth or nose provides a route for infection to enter; this could be bites, scratches, puncture wounds by needles etc. They could also enter down the digestive tract, food, drink or other infected products can be swallowed and infect the stomach or bowels which reveals itself in the form of diarrhoea and or vomiting. An infective agent might also enter up the urinary and reproductive systems; the infectious agent may remain localized or may enter the blood stream. Sexually transmitted diseases most commonly infect the genitals; these can be transmitted in saliva, seminal fluid or blood. 3) The sources of infection are numerous, for each type of infection a specific source becomes more significant than others in the delivery of the infectious agent to the host. The sources of infection can be divided into two main groups, these are exogenous and endogenous sources. A source of infection is endogenous when the infectious agent comes from the persons own body. Exogenous sources of infection introduce organisms from anywhere outside to the inside of the body, this is the case the majority of the time. Infections can come from unwashed hands, ppe not being worn, unclean equipment being used generally if poor hygiene is used. 4) There are various ways that infective agents can be transmitted to a person, it is usually the transmission of microorganisms directly from one person to another by droplet contact. Droplet contact is either sneezing or coughing on or near another person without using a tissue or hand to try and shield it. Infective agents can be transmitted to another person by direct physical contact, touching an infected person could lead to this. Indirect physical contact could also cause infective agents to be transmitted to another person, usually by touching soil contamination or a contaminated surface. Airborne transmission is very common; if the microorganism can remain in the air for long periods of time it can lead to infective agents being transmitted. Faecal-oral transmission usually from contaminated food or water sources also transmits infective agents to others. 5) There are key factors that make it more likely that infection will occur, if a person does not practice a safe and hygienic way of working this could make it more likely that infection will occur and then spread. Using person protective equipment is vital when providing care for vulnerable people whose immune system will not be as strong as a younger person. If ppe is not worn correctly it exposes people to all sorts of infections which could have disastrous consequences. Wearing the incorrect uniform and footwear could also increase the risk of infection; not washing hands frequently is a very common form of how infection occurs. If someone who has a virus goes into close proximity to another it will make it more likely that infection will occur. Dirty or contaminated areas in which bacteria can grow also increases the chance of infection occurring. If standard precautions are not met it increases the risk of infection occurring a lot.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Internally Displaced Persons Criminology Essay

The Internally Displaced Persons Criminology Essay Chapter 2 Internal Displacement has long been a concern of the international community due to its significant implication in international humanitarian engagement especially that it has far reaching and multifaceted consequences to the displaced. It indiscriminately affects human condition and interaction whether it is political, economic or social. It has been observed that displaced persons, especially the more vulnerable groups, are placed in helpless positions and often experienced human rights violations, discrimination and loss of social and economic rights (Turner, 2000; Kellenberger, 2009). In addition, the reality of insufficient or lack of IDP data as proven in the Southern Mindanao can be a hindrance to the humanitarian efforts to address the plight of the IDPs . This is attributed to poor access to comprehensive and updated data on internal displacement. In fact, the need to quantify data is proven to be a major and methodological challenge to all humanitarian actors (Norwegian Ref ugee Council, 2002). As such, there is a need of IDP profiling to determine the degree and accurate numeral account of displacement. In turn, patterns could emerge from these data that can be used to forecast or influence future decision of migration and provide sufficient response to the situation of the IDPs. Data Profiling The first step in responding to the plight of the IDPs is identifying them. The process of collecting data of IDPs is called IDP profiling which is defined in the Guidance on Profiling internally Pisplaced Person (2008) as the collaborative process of identifying internally displaced groups or individuals through data collection, including counting, and analysis, in order to take action to advocate on their behalf, to protect and assist them and, eventually, to help bring about a solution to their displacement Prior to the released of the said guidelines by the Norwegian Refugee Council, each displacement monitoring agencies have their own criteria on what are necessary and what should be included in their reports. This leads to some inconsistency and lack of data (Acketoft, 2008; Ferris, Cernea, Petz, 2011) which posed problems in synchronizing data during analysis and further comprehension on the nature and vulnerabilities of IDPs as shown in recommendations of various studies regarding IDPs. The said IDP guidance released by the Norwegian Refugee extensively promotes proper collection of information as it cites a list of what are the necessary variables needed to consider and this includes the number of displaced persons, disaggregated by age and sex and location/s, the place where displacement happens. Whenever possible, additional information could be included, but not be limited to: cause(s) of displacement, patterns of displacement, protection concerns, humanitarian needs, and potential solutions for the group/individual, if available. IDP profiling is one of the bases of the government agencies on how to do their duty as the primary responsible in securing the lives and welfare of the people. It is because reliable data is necessary for country strategies and operations, fund raising and advocacy. Better data is therefore a means to improve the humanitarian response After all, core data is essential for good planning of humanitarian assistance and protection. Since IDP profiling is merely identification of existing IDPs and their circumstances, the consolidation of IDP data is essential to be able to maximized available data and the next step after IDP profiling. In consolidating IDP data, the analysis during this stage will show the true scenario of the plight of the IDPs and from it derived a clear comprehension of their vulnerabilities and needs. Internally Displaced Persons To be able to properly do IDP profiling, it is essential to first comprehend what is an Internally Displaced Persons or IDPs. Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are persons or groups of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights and natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized State border (Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, 1998). The description provided by the GPID (1998) highlights two elements: the range of movement and the nature of movement.  The former means that the IDPs move within the country and remain in the jurisdiction of the national government. Meanwhile, the latter describe the situation of IDP and the causes of displacement. IDP move away from their normal place of residence because of several factors beyond their control such as armed conflict, generalized violence, human rights violations and disasters. All the factors have something in common; they are threat to the survival of the people in their previous place of abode and many, with no choice, thus compelled to move sometimes to the unknown. Walter Kà ¤lin (2008), one of the framers of GPID, in his book entitled Annotations of the Guiding Principles he noted that the above description is not a legal definition since being an IDP does not bestow a legal status since there is no need for it. This is because the rights and guarantees of the IDPs are already inherent in their character as a human being and as habitual citizens of their countries. More than that, the government is primary responsible to their well being since its duty is to safeguard the rights of its citizens. Types of IDPs IDPs can be systematically categorized into two distinct types based on the cause of displacement: conflict induced and environment induced IDPs. Conflict Induced IDPs Conflict induced IDPs are describe as people who were forced to flee due to threat of or active armed hostilities, generalized human rights violation in their area of residence. These people are in danger due to the armed hostilities that may be international (between at least two states or between government and national liberation) or non-international (between armed groups or between government and armed insurgents) in scope. If not, the danger may lie behind internal tensions and disturbances that fell short of armed conflict but still involve violence perpetuated by armed insurgent groups and/or government agents to instill or maintain peace in their area of habitat. In conjunction, the government and/or armed insurgent groups may transgress the rights of these people guaranteed by the national and international human rights law and may or may not endanger their life or freedom through persecution. These factors inflict fear upon these residents and thus forced them to move to o ther place to seek refuge (Kà ¤lin, 2008). Environmentally Induced IDPs The UNHCR has define the environmentally displaced persons as those who are displaced from or who feel obliged to leave their usual place of residence, because their lives, livelihoods and welfare have been placed at serious risk as a result of adverse environmental, ecological or climatic processes and events (Gorlick 2007) as quoted in Forced Migration Policy Briefing 1 (Boano, Zetter, Morris, 2008). It should be noted that the aforementioned definition of environmentally induced displacement has made no reference regarding cross-border movement so the movement of displacement can be within the country or have cross international borders. This study will refer the environmentally induced IDPs as people who flee within the borders of their country due to negative environmental activities and disasters that may be natural or human made such as landslides, flash floods, typhoons, and fire, which perilously endanger their life and their material and economic possessions. Vulnerabilities of IDPs IDP primary concern during displacement is a place to stay due to the fact that they lose/ left their house and other material possessions. They have left their residence to search for a place where in their physical security and integrity can be protected. In addition, they are often deprived of means to restore self-reliance and, subsequently, develop tendency to depend on humanitarian assistance since they lack access to livelihood and work opportunities . Most of them are sheltered in evacuation centers wherein most of the times are crowded. They became prone to illness such as diarrhea, pneumonia and other communicable diseases due to unsanitary condition and congested situation which sometimes lead to death (Philippines: Death and Disease IDP camps, 2009). Another concern is the loss of documents essential for receiving benefits or recognition before the law carried away by typhoon, storm and the like or left behind at home where theyll be at risk if they return to recover it. Without these essential documents, IDPs may be denied of basic services Out of these misfortunes, IDPs experienced a disruption or, in some cases, destruction of their social organization since the family members was separated or disrupted. In addition, there is sometimes reorganization in the family, wife or the eldest child becoming head of the household with the death or disability of the husband or the parents, which aggravates the condition of the IDPs. Vulnerable Sectors Among the IDP population, there are several sectors namely children, women, elder and persons with disabilities, who requires special attention due to their special circumstances (Birkeland, 2009). Internally Displaced Children The Guiding Principles of Internal Displacement and in tandem with the Convention of the Right of Children guaranteed the rights of children from prohibition of their enslavement, use in forced labor and participation or recruitment in armed hostilities. The Principles has also laid down the childrens rights to family life which means they have the right to be reunited with their family and to education. However in reality, children are at high at risk to be conscripted in armed hostilities, most commonly by insurgent or terrorist groups. They are  highly  susceptible  to be  exploited as porter or domestic servants or slaves. Even in environmental induced displacement,  they, especially unaccompanied minors,  can still be exploited  to sexual violations and likely to be neglected and trafficked The 2010 IDMC report on Internal Displacement also said that recruitment remained a grave and particular risk for many internally displaced children. It was seen that recruitment is a form of livelihood for some IDPs facing poverty. IDP camps and informal settlements continued to be prime recruiting grounds, as children there were relatively densely gathered, often without access to education (particularly those of secondary-level age) and unable to engage in other livelihood activities. Children are often exposed to high risk of physical violence and attack when travelling to and from school. Displaced children were also unable to access education because of fees, damaged infrastructure, and other displacement-related factors in 27 countries in 2010 . Moreover, children also lost their identification documents essential to receiving benefits or recognition before the law. Governments and institutions may deny them the services such as enrolment to school, medical services and claim to their properties since they cannot produce legal documents. Internally Displaced Women Women are  entitled  to protection against violence and exploitation, equal access to humanitarian assistance, services and education, and participation in decisions affecting them as explicitly stated in the Principles (Kà ¤lin, 2008). They are very vulnerable and needed to be protected from gender-based violence and sexual exploitation. In some cases, the wife has to replace their husband as breadwinner of the family especially during conflict wherein her husband may or may not die or left disabled. Besides, pregnant women do need special care due to their condition and the trauma of displacement only aggravates their condition. In the displacement, they are highly susceptible in risk delivering of a child because according to the UN Population Funds (UNFPA) Philippines country director, Suneeta Mukherjee, They are very vulnerable because they cant stop from delivering when their time comes. The number one problem is that the whole thing could be septic, the mother and the bab y could get infected and die. Vulnerability of women, such as single mothers and girls, are increasing due to domestic violence among other threats, and the lack of assistance reaching people with special needs. The high rates of trauma and anxiety, particularly among women and children, are more likely caused by the exposure to violence and grief over the death of loved ones . The status of internally displaced women has still remained difficult even though the efforts by international agencies are extensive. In all countries, displaced women who have become heads of households have had to support their children and older members of their family without a steady income, relying on piecemeal support. In merely providing adequate food, not to mention housing, health care and other services, burdens the displaced women in dealing with it . Elderly Displaced Persons   The elderly can have great difficulty in accessing humanitarian assistance. Moreover, they are most likely unable to flee quickly during conflict or disaster and unable to properly protect themselves from harm during times of conflict. Even among them, elderly women are more vulnerable. In some countries where the elders are eligible to receive state pensions, elders are unable to claim their entitlements due to lack of documentation. Additionally, they can easily succumb to illness while fleeing or in evacuation camps According to David Hutton (2008), Older people have often been overlooked in disasters and conflicts, and their concerns have rarely been addressed by emergency programs or planners. Until recently, older peoples needs in disasters and conflicts were addressed only by broader adult health and humanitarian programs. This has changed as several recent emergencies highlighted this populations vulnerabilities. Internally Displaced Disable Persons Disabled Persons are often easily separated from their families and find themselves left on their own. They are very prone to exhaustion and malnutrition due the difficulty of travel to safety and even in evacuation camps. Besides, they are predisposed to be discriminated or be subject to degrading treatment due to their disability. Moreover, the Relief Web report compiled on February 29, 2012 stated that, The problem is that those who are physically weak can hardly go to evacuation centers and access humanitarian aid. Its paradoxical, but it is often those who need it the most who struggle to receive assistance.(Briefing Kit for Philippines (the): Bringing Humanitarian Relief to, 2012) Humanitarian Assistance Historically, displacement has always been one of foremost causes of humanitarian engagement since the start of international humanitarian system. The displacement may endure for days, months and even decades. As such, the USAID recognizes in its Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons Policy that IDPs have needs that can be systematically divided into four phases: emergency phase, care and maintenance phase, reintegration and transition phase, and long term development phase. Emergency Phase Emergency phase is the period of displacement of the IDPs. In this phase, IDPs usually require basic necessities since they are most likely unable to bring emergency supplies due to the upheaval. In their condition, IDPs need immediate help or assistance that typically consists of shelter, food, water, clothing, medical assistance, sanitation systems, and protection (USAID, 2004). Care and Maintenance Phase Care and maintenance phase is the period where IDPs are somewhat settled in evacuation camps or temporary settlement. In this phase, IDPs tend to need access to education, trauma counseling, family tracing, protection from exploitation. Usually at this stage, IDPs are particularly vulnerable to exploitations and in need of protection since illegal recruiters can easily persuade the members of the families to work in abusive jobs since they are in desperate need of source of livelihood. During this phase as well, humanitarian agencies must prepare the IDPs to eventual return to their home through training and support for self reliance Reintegration and Transition The transitional reintegration phase is the period wherein the IDPs are either returning back to their residence prior to displacement or resettlement to a new area of residence. In this phase, IDPs often need transportation back to their home, protection from involuntary return, help to reclaim their land and rebuild houses and businesses, assistance for demining, support to establish accountable local governance and stronger civil society, and programs to reconcile lingering ethnic or political tensions and safeguard the rights of female-headed households. During this phase of transition and reintegration, IDPs often go back to their homes and find their properties destroyed or occupied by others. The damaged infrastructure devastated local economies, weak civil administrations, simmering social and political tensions, and lingering security risks that left behind by the conflict or disaster adds to their vulnerability. Furthermore, conflicts may erupt again exposing the returning IDPs in yet again vulnerable situation. Some IDPs never return home and must resettle permanently in new communities when their home prior to displacement is no longer feasible for habitat Long Term Development Phase In the long-term development phase, IDPs who have returned home or resettled permanently into new communities need assistance to construct or repair water systems, health systems, schools, and transportation routes. Resettled IDPs also need access to vocational training and business or agricultural loans and inputs. Population displacement can negatively affect stability and the longer-term development prospects of a nation. Prolonged displacement typically disrupts or reverses progress made in schooling, healthcare, food production, sanitation systems, infrastructure improvements, local governance, and other sectors fundamental to economic and social development. Failure to address the long-term development needs of previously uprooted population risks new cycles of national instability and population displacement Global trend In the current state of this research the proponents have an access only on disaggregated data of conflict-induced and environment- induced IDPs. Additionally, in effect of late recognition unlike conflict induced displacement which has numerous of monitoring agencies, environmental induced internal displacement has no long history of annual systematically collected and analyzed data base . When adding up the figures of conflict-induced IDPs and environmentally induced- IDPs featured in the website and annual reports of Internal Displacement Monitoring Agency (IDMC), the result is as shown below, although fluctuated in 2009, the number of IDPs remain considerably high. Figure 1. Global Trend of IDPs in millions (2007-2011) Philippines trend of IDP One of the biggest contributors on the abovementioned global estimation of internally displaced persons is the Philippines. In the last decades there are already millions of people who have been internally displaced by armed conflict and human rights, specifically during military operations against Muslim and Communist insurgencies as stated by IDMC. In addition, the numbers of IDPs is fluctuating but never goes lower than 20,000 since 2000. As of 2009, there are at least a total of 750,000 people or maybe more, were displaced in the fight between Armed forces of the Philippines (AFP) and MILF (DSWD, 15 May 2009). Even during the ceasefire between AFP and MILF in July 2009, there were still hundreds of thousands of people living collectively in centers and camps known by the government as evacuation centers, relocation sites and with host communities . Aside from internal conflicts, the country is also geographically situated at the western edge of the Pacific Ocean and sits on the ring of fire which is  prone to geologic and natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions seasonal typhoons, storms and flash floods (World Atlas). Since it frequently encounters natural disasters, this consequently caused displacement, at times in large scale with hundreds of thousands displaced in a single event. For instance in 2009, the Typhoon Ondoy displaced a total of 500 000 people while the typhoon Pepeng was another 500 000 . Moreover, the Center for Research and Epidemiology Disasters (CRED) disclosed that the  Philippines rank first in 2010 as the most  hazard prone country in the world (See, 2010). Region XI: Traces of IDP The Region XI: Davao Region as well accounted several traces of displacement. The New Peoples Army (NPA), communist military group, established fifteen NPA fronts in this region, totaling roughly 800 fighters. Based on several news articles they employed ambush, kidnapping, arson, extortion and liquidation of anti- NPA civilians as methods to pursue their vision. As such, the government conducts series of military operations to weaken the presence, to stop the above stated activities and capture the rebels. As a result mass displacement occurred in fear of being caught in crossfire or being misidentified either NPA or military supporters. For instance, in April of 2007 hundreds of families evacuated as a result of pursuit operations done by military in Brgy. Manay, Panabo City after NPA raided the Davao Penal Farm (Bwaga, 2007). Also, as cited in country displacement profile NDCC estimated that there are 2,060 people displaced at the end of April 2009 in Talaingod, Davao del Norte (I DMC, 2009) Besides the aforementioned military operations in the region, the Davao region is vulnerable too to environmental disasters. The Geo Hazard maps of MGBXI showed landslide and flood prone areas and almost all provinces are at risk to landslides and susceptible to flashfloods. The graphs below show the numbers of sitios/ barangays and numbers of families per province that is vulnerable to mass displacement due to flashflood and landslides in 2009. For instance, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau in region XI (MGBXI) declared Sitio Panganason as no habitation zone due to recurring landslide since 2007. Another is that the flashflood in Matina-Pangi, Davao City forced 3000 families to flee their homes and sought refuge in evacuation centers (Tesiorna, 2011). Figure 2. Sitios/Barangays susceptible to Mass Figure 3. Families susceptible to Movement due to Flashflood Landslides displacement due to Flashfloods and Source: MGB XI Landslides Issues of the IDP Data Despite the pursuit of various organizations, both international and local, in the collection of data of the IDPs, there are still various anecdotes that imply the difficulty of generating accurate data on IDPs. In fact, there is a poor access to a comprehensive and updated data regarding IDPs and even if there is such access, public distributed information is often difficult to validate with regards to origin and reliability (Norwegian Refugee Council, 2002). The same sentiment was implied by IDMC in their course of gathering statistics of IDPs. Since population movements in Mindanao are observed to be frequent and official registration has been incomplete, according to IDMC, these made reliable figures on the number of IDPs hard to come by. Besides difficulty in gathering data, Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN), as cited (IDMC, 2011), has also noted that there are existing discrepancies in the IDP reports between the governments and international organizations. In particular, the Philippine government usually issues the lowest figures which can be misleading. In addition, despite the number of IDPs tallied, the phenomenon of internal displacement is still largely disregarded in the region. An anecdote about one RDMMRC director, who stated that there is no IDP in Davao in the aftermath of the Matina-Pangi flashflood, comes into mind. Moreover, the IDP phenomenon in the Davao region is overshadowed by the internal displacement in other regions. Hence, there is a need to acknowledge existing internal displacement in the region so that the concern of the IDPs can be properly responded. There are only various incident reports that can be easily accessible but there is no consolidated data and established trend a vailable to the public. Indeed, the need to quantify IDPs is a major practical and methodological challenge that needed to be prioritized by humanitarian actors. Monitoring Agencies International organizations such as IOM, IDMC, ICRC, USAID, and governmental agencies like NDRRMC, and DSWD take data profiling seriously to improve their humanitarian activities and lessen the human suffering around the world. IOM International Organization for Migration is an international organization committed to uphold a humane and orderly migration that benefits all. It is a leading international agency working with governments and civil society to advancement of the understanding of migration issues, encourage social and economic development through migration, and endorsement of the human dignity and well-being of migrants as reflected in its credo. IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, be they refugees, displaced persons or other uprooted people (IOM, 2012). Currently, climate change is an emerging threat to human security. As a response, IOM has three main objectives in facing this threat. First is to prevent forced migration resulting from environmental factors, as much as possible through reducing vulnerability and promoting adaptation to environmental and climate changes such as disaster risk managements. Second is to provide assistance and protection to affected populations, and seek durable solutions. Lastly is to facilitate migration as an adaptation strategy to climate change. To fulfill these objectives, IOM conducts several activities such as offering a forum for  policy  dialogue among states and NGOs, undertaking extensive research, conducting operational activities like humanitarian response and developing comprehensive strategies to better manage environmental migration and to address potential impacts of migration on the environment with the cooperation of partners like government and both international and local NGOs (IOM, 2012). Above and beyond, designation of an institutional focal point for internally displaced persons by the government is important. By designating an institutional focal point for internally displaced persons, the government demonstrates a clearest recognition of national responsibility for responding to internal displacement. It facilitates coordination on the issue and cooperation both within government and with local and international partners to ensure that the needs of internally displaced persons are not overlooked. This is the rationale on the reason why governments, such as the United States government and Philippine government, create institutional focal point for internally displaced persons or adds that responsibility to agencies in charge of social developments in their country. IDMC The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) is a leading international body monitoring internal displacement worldwide established in 1998 by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) at the request of the United Nations. It runs an online database  that provides comprehensive information and analysis on internal displacement in countries around the world. It contributes to improving national and international capacities to protect and assist the millions of people around the globe who have been displaced within their own country as a result of conflicts or human rights violations as well as by natural disaster. In 2009, IDMC has started publishing annual global estimates of the worldwide scale of internal displacement caused by sudden-onset disasters. They are developing knowledge of the nature and patterns of displacement over time caused by different types of disasters. They are highlighting the specific rights and needs of displaced populations and the vulnerabilities of women, children and men who are particularly at risk. Other than that, they are raising awareness, building capacity and contributing to the development of policies and guidance for national and international actors in order to advocate for the protection of disaster-displaced populations (IDMC, 2011). Through the IDP database, reports and other publications, the IDMC promotes awareness and concern to the IDPs, points to gaps in the response of governments and the international community, and promotes durable solutions in line with the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement ICRC The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), established in 1863, works worldwide to provide humanitarian help for people affected by conflict and armed violence and to promote the laws that protect victims of war. It is an independent and neutral organization wherein its mandate stems essentially from the Geneva Conventions of 1949. The ICRC works primarily in situations of armed conflict and other situations of violence. In situations of armed conflict, IDPs are first and foremost civilians, and thus at the core of the ICRCs mandate. It is the ICRC that constantly reminds the parties to conflict of their obligations to protect the civilian population, as set out in the core rules of international humanitarian law. Also, they play significant roles during natural and human-made disasters by providing aid to the victims of natural disasters, both through the local work of the member Societies themselves and through the Federations international support for that work. In fact, they were entitled as the worlds largest provider of humanitarian aid. They act before, during and after disasters and health emergencies to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people. (ICRC, 2010). USAID The US Agency for International Development (USAID) is an agency of the United States government that has special interest in the protection of the IDPs. As one of the principal international donors in the field of internal displacement and humanitarian protection, USAID is driven by humanitarian and development concerns as well as political and security considerations. This is reflected in October 2004 when USAID adopted its Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons Policy, becoming the first donor organization to ever issue a policy statement regarding internally displaced persons. The specific purpose of the Policy and Implementation Guidelines is to ensure that a broad, integrated approach is used to reduce the human costs of population displacement and that long-term development is not reversed. This is done by providing assistance programs ranging from early emergency phase to long-term development phase. It is also responsible for ensuring a coherent response from the US gove rnment and the international community. In addition, it acknowledges particular characteristics of IDPs such as their lack of specia

Friday, September 20, 2019

Against Standardized Testing Essay -- Standardized Testing Essays

There seems to be a dilemma in the educational system. In order to receive funding, a school system has to test its students annually. These tests are supposed to measure the progress of the students and the school system. But what is really measured with these scores? What do they really mean? Should children be tested as frequently as they are? And most importantly, should the ability to pass on to another grade or to graduate from high school be based on only one test? With so many questions arising from these tests, the answer is to take a stand against them. Perhaps a brief history will provide a better understanding of the standardized testing system. In the 1980’s, the National Governors Association pushed for states to have performance-based accountability of their school systems. Basically, states would grant schools more flexibility in what and how they chose to teach in return for more accountability for academicbased performance. In 1994, Title I, â€Å"the largest federally funded education program† (, actually required that all states create performance-based accountability systems for schools (Elmore 2). Now, with the introduction of the Bush administration’s No Children Left Behind, all states are required to annually test their students in order to receive federal grants (Romano 1). In Bush’s attempt to make sure that our schools are held to a high standard, he is threatening their funding based on their students’ performance. Not only are students’ grade advancements and sometimes graduations dependent upon these tests, but so is the funding for their schools as well. Teachers can be dismissed or schools shut down based on test performance. No pressure there, kids. W... ...ardized tests. Utah’s officials were willing to lose $76 million dollars in funding by deciding not to follow federal testing standards (Quindlen 2). If we take a stand, is your state ready to be next? Works Cited Elmore, Richard F. â€Å"Testing Trap.† Harvard Magazine. 11 November 2005. http://www. Massachusetts Department of Education. Massachusetts Government. 11 November 2005. Quindlen, Anna. â€Å"Testing: One, Two, Three.† Newsweek. 19 June 2005. 4 November 2005. displaymode/1098. Romano, Lois. â€Å"Test Scores Move Little in Math, Reading. Improvement Appears Slight Since No Child Left Behind.† 20 Oct. 2005. Washington Post. 1 November 2005. AR2005101900708.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Florida Everglades Essays -- Geography Environmental Nature Essays

The Florida Everglades The Florida Everglades have been adversely impacted for decades because of human attempts to control this historical ‘River of Grass’. The reason for our insistence on attempting to control and manage the area can be defined in one word: water. There has always been plenty of water available within the Everglades’ ecosystem, but no logical way to extract it. Our extraction efforts eventually led to devastating results. My paper will focus on the initial policy and practices involved in the extensive downgrading of this once biologically unequaled ecosystem; as well as discuss recent policy initiatives that have been implemented in order to restore the Everglades to its once magnificent status. I will attempt to define the pertinent issues, priorities, actors, and instruments, as well as discuss lessons that can be taken from this case study. Background In its natural state, the South Florida ecosystem was connected by the flow of water south from Lake Okeechobee through vast freshwater marshes, known as the Everglades, to Florida Bay and on to the coral reefs of the Florida Keys. The Everglades covered approximately 18,000 square miles and were the heart of a unique and biologically productive and unique region, supporting vast colonies of wading birds, a mixture of temperate and tropical plant and animal species, along with abundant coastal fisheries. These exceptional natural resources were nationally recognized with the establishment of Everglades National Park in 1947. In 1948, Congress authorized the Central and Southern Florida Project in response to a series of devastating floods that had occurred in the area. This project authorized the Army Corps of Engineers to provide: flood control;... ..., for the undertaking would be too great for either to accomplish alone. References 1) A Comprehensive plan for the Restoration of the Florida Everglades; United States Department of the Interior; January 19, 1996. 2) Restoring the Everglades, an American Legacy Act; Committee on Environment and Public Works, One Hundred Sixth Congress; July 27, 2000. 3) Derr, Mark; Some Kind of Paradise; William Morrow & Company, New York;1989. 4) Glenn, A. Adam; ‘Birthday Gift for the Glades’;; December 2000. 5) Maddox, Jennifer; ‘House Panel Chairman: Everglades Restoration ‘going to go forward’’; Naples Daily News; March 2000. 6) Martin, John; ‘Who’s in Charge: Few Results from Massive Everglades Restoration Project’;; April 2000. 7) Phinney, David; ‘Restoring the Everglades: Congress Must First Pass Plan’;; July 2000.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Child Abuse and Violence Against Females Essay -- Domestic Violence Es

Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence. Other terms for domestic violence include intimate partner violence, battering, relationship abuse, spousal abuse, or family violence. Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income, or other factors. Both women and men can be victims of domestic violence. It is widely assumed that most estimates of the incidence of domestic violence are underestimates. Even large population surveys cannot provide accurate estimates of the extent of domestic violence. This is partly because many victims feel unable to speak out about domestic violence. The pressures of negative community attitudes toward victims, feelings of shame, and fear of retribution from the perpetrator contribute to low levels of disclosure of domestic violence. Also, because domestic violence often occurs in the privacy of the home, there are few outside witnesses. Surveys often require fluency in English, which means that the experience of people from non-English speaking background may not be adequately represented. Statistics from public agencies such as police, courts, counseling and accommodation services are another source of information. However, these can only provide information about people who come to public attention, many victims never contact such agencies. Some agencies do not collect statistics on domestic violence, and those that do define and record domestic violence in different ways. The Women's Safety Survey in 1996 surveyed approximately 6,300 women about their experience of actual or threatened physical and sexual violence. Based on the survey results, they estimated that, in the 12 months prior to completing the survey:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7.1 % of the adult female population experienced violence. 6.2% of women experienced violence perpetrated by a male, and 1.6% experienced violence perpetrated by a female.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2.6% of women who were married or in a defacto relationship had experienced violence perpetrated by their current partner.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4.8% of unmarried women had experienced violence by their previous partner in the last 12 months. Of women who had been physically assaulted in the 12-month period, 58% spoke to a friend or neighb... ...ability, appearance and so on.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  having familiar belongings of pets destroyed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All of these behaviors can lead to developmental problems in children that can happen at any age. Violence soon becomes a learned behavior and can be reproduced in other aspects of their life, such as school, dating, and other interpersonal relationships. These changes can be life-long and affect many other people than just the abused person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both child abuse and violence against women are extremely detrimental to the institution of marriage and family. It can tear family apart, beyond any repair, and destroy the lives of all who are involved. Bibliography   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. Violence and the Family, Report of the APA Presidential Task Force on Violence and the Family, 2007. 2. Dating Violence: Young Women in Danger. Barrie Levy. 2003. The Seal Press.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3. Parental Kidnaping, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse: Changing Legal Responses to Related Violence. American Prosecutors Research Institute's National center for Prosecution of Child Abuse Parental Kidnaping Project, by Eva J. Klain, March 2005. 4. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Child Abuse and Violence Against Females Essay -- Domestic Violence Es Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence. Other terms for domestic violence include intimate partner violence, battering, relationship abuse, spousal abuse, or family violence. Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income, or other factors. Both women and men can be victims of domestic violence. It is widely assumed that most estimates of the incidence of domestic violence are underestimates. Even large population surveys cannot provide accurate estimates of the extent of domestic violence. This is partly because many victims feel unable to speak out about domestic violence. The pressures of negative community attitudes toward victims, feelings of shame, and fear of retribution from the perpetrator contribute to low levels of disclosure of domestic violence. Also, because domestic violence often occurs in the privacy of the home, there are few outside witnesses. Surveys often require fluency in English, which means that the experience of people from non-English speaking background may not be adequately represented. Statistics from public agencies such as police, courts, counseling and accommodation services are another source of information. However, these can only provide information about people who come to public attention, many victims never contact such agencies. Some agencies do not collect statistics on domestic violence, and those that do define and record domestic violence in different ways. The Women's Safety Survey in 1996 surveyed approximately 6,300 women about their experience of actual or threatened physical and sexual violence. Based on the survey results, they estimated that, in the 12 months prior to completing the survey:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7.1 % of the adult female population experienced violence. 6.2% of women experienced violence perpetrated by a male, and 1.6% experienced violence perpetrated by a female.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2.6% of women who were married or in a defacto relationship had experienced violence perpetrated by their current partner.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4.8% of unmarried women had experienced violence by their previous partner in the last 12 months. Of women who had been physically assaulted in the 12-month period, 58% spoke to a friend or neighb... ...ability, appearance and so on.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  having familiar belongings of pets destroyed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All of these behaviors can lead to developmental problems in children that can happen at any age. Violence soon becomes a learned behavior and can be reproduced in other aspects of their life, such as school, dating, and other interpersonal relationships. These changes can be life-long and affect many other people than just the abused person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both child abuse and violence against women are extremely detrimental to the institution of marriage and family. It can tear family apart, beyond any repair, and destroy the lives of all who are involved. Bibliography   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. Violence and the Family, Report of the APA Presidential Task Force on Violence and the Family, 2007. 2. Dating Violence: Young Women in Danger. Barrie Levy. 2003. The Seal Press.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3. Parental Kidnaping, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse: Changing Legal Responses to Related Violence. American Prosecutors Research Institute's National center for Prosecution of Child Abuse Parental Kidnaping Project, by Eva J. Klain, March 2005. 4. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence,

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Effects of Plagiarism

Julia Fleming-Emery PRPE A108 P12 March 31st 2013 Cause and Effect Effects Of Plagiarism Plagiarism is the theft of credit for creating a document of information. It not only happens in schools but can also happen in the work area. Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty and most schools and university’s explain the consequences it can result it. Plagiarizing has many effects that are not only in schools. Plagiarizing can result in jail time, fines, and expulsion from a school or universities. Plagiarizing an essay or paper can result in jail time.Most cases with plagiarism are considered misdemeanors and can be punishable by fines. But, likewise you can serve up to a year in jail. Plagiarism is considered a felony under certain states and laws. There are many different forms of plagiarism If someone were to write a book using someone else’s material, ended up selling the material and making money depending on the amount of money earned the fine can be bigger and co uld result in more jail time. For example, if someone were to write a book that contained a different authors research, they could face a horrendous amount of fines and up to ten years in jail.Along with jail time you can end up paying a substantial amount of money in fines for Plagiarism. A misdemeanor you can end up paying upwards from $100 to $50,000. A felony can face up to $250,000 depending on the material. If the material makes more than $2,500 in profit then it can be considered a felony. Fines with plagiarizing all depend on the material that’s written depending on the amount of money that is made from selling what was wrote or published. Plagiarism is a serious offense no one wants to pay the fines that are brought upon it.I think the reason people plagiarize is because its easier and they are simply just to lazy to do the work themselves. I myself would not want the consequences that are brought upon plagiarism. Plagiarizing cannot only result in legal action but c an result in expulsion from schools and universities. Schools take plagiarism as a serious academic dishonesty. Along with expulsion from school students who are guilty of plagiarism face a failing grade in the course of which they committed the offense. College students can face losing their degree depending on the discovery of the offense.Expulsion from plagiarizing can ruin a student’s life and could have long-term effects on the student’s life. Students take the easy way out when they plagiarize and they get a good grade from it. In conclusion plagiarism can lead to jail time, fines and expulsion from schools or universities. Universities, schools and states take plagiarism seriously. Plagiarism has many effects that can follow you through your lifetime. Plagiarism is illegal and everyone should take the matter serious. If the work is hard instead of copying and pasting ask some around you for help.